Privacy Policy EU

Privacy Policy EU


Effective date: November 6, 2023


This privacy statement applies to you if you are located in the European Union and the GDPR applies to the processing of your personal data.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, we adhere to all relevant legislation

and regulation, according to the General Data Protection Act (hereafter referred to as the


This Privacy Statement outlines all the ways in which Arbor Scientia processes the information we know about you.

The information listed in this Privacy Statement pertains to our guests and interested parties.

This Privacy Statement applies to Arbor Scientia Group (ASG). Which comprises the following entities: Arbor Scientia, Metis Medical Media and Sirona Medical Education.

Should you have any further queries or wish to know the precise personal data we hold about you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our contact details are listed at the end of this Privacy Statement.


Below you will find the processes that occur within our organization. For each one we have listed the reasons for processing your personal data. The tables below show the personal data we process. Occasionally, we forward your personal data on to third parties that help us process your personal data. These third parties are also listed in the tables.

Generic communication

Purpose: Communication by Arbor Scientia with third parties and internal workforce communication.

In this Privacy Statement we endeavor to specify as accurately as possible why, when and how Arbor Scientia communicates.  However, certain (exceptional) cases may arise that are hard to readily categorize under one of the outlined processes. In such an instance we adhere to the following guiding principles when processing personal data.

We process such data on the basis of our legitimate interest in carrying out standard business practices.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Communication (Correspondence)Legitimate interestFor as long as is necessary for the communication in questionGoogle, Microsoft 
Contact (Email address, Telephone number)Legitimate interestFor as long as is necessary for the communication in questionGoogle, Microsoft   
Corporate (Company name/employer, Position/role)Legitimate interestFor as long as is necessary for the communication in questionGoogle, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Legitimate interestFor as long as is necessary for the communication in questionGoogle, Microsoft   

Contracts management

Purpose: Signing and managing contracts with third parties or medical specialists.

When entering into an agreement, you have the option of physically signing it. You can then return it by fax. In addition, you have the choice of signing via e-signing. The agreement can be downloaded/uploaded via a secure link on the local server/SharePoint. You then sign the form by printing and scanning or a digital signature via PDF.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment10 years
After termination of agreement between ASG and requesting party
Adobe, Google, Iron Mountain,  Microsoft
Contact (Email address, Telephone number)  Contract fulfillment10 years
After termination of agreement between ASG and requesting party
Adobe, Google, Iron Mountain,  Microsoft 
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment10 years
After termination of agreement between ASG and requesting party
Adobe, Google, Iron Mountain,  Microsoft 

Attendance of medical specialists at events

Purpose: To record medical specialists present and absent at events at a congress organized by a third party.

Clients of Arbor Scientia organize events at congresses. You can register for an event on the site of the congress organizer. At the event, Arbor Scientia scans the badges of the attending medical specialists. Subsequently, Arbor Scientia receives a list of all attendees from the organizer. In addition, Arbor Scientia sometimes receives a second list of the registrants. In this way, the attendance of the medical specialists is tracked. The attendance is then transmitted via email with an encrypted link to Arbor Scientia’s client.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Address (Full address)Legitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft
Contact (Email address, Telephone number)Legitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft  
Contract/AgreementLegitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft
Congress eventLegitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft  
Corporate (Company name/employer, Categories of patients, Profession/specialty)  Legitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Legitimate interest  As long as agreed upon with the clientGoogle, Microsoft

Approaching medical specialists

Purpose: Approaching medical specialists for various services.

Arbor Scientia can approach you for various services. For example, participating in an advisory board, giving a presentation, participating in a promotional video, etc.

If you wish to enter into a collaboration, you will receive an invitation by e-mail. This invitation will include which service is involved, the amount of days and whether it will be live or virtual.

If you indicate that you are not interested or that you are not available on that date, no further data will be requested. In that case, we will send only the initial email, and a response to your reply.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment7 years

Contact (Email address, Telephone number)Contract fulfillment7 years

Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment7 years


Travel (Medical specialist)

Purpose: Arranging travel for a medical specialist.

If we have entered into an agreement with you and you have to travel for the fulfillment, Arbor Scientia will arrange and book the travel.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Age (Date of birth)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Microsoft
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Communication (Correspondence)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle
Contact (Email address, Fax, Telephone number)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft
Travel (Arrival and/or departure date, Booking number)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft
Travel (Airport of arrival and/or departure, Flight number, Frequent flyer number, KTN/TSA Pre-check, Seat preference, Time of landing and/or departure)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Microsoft

Car service (Medical specialist)

Purpose: Arranging car service for a medical specialist.

If Arbor Scientia has arranged your travel and/or accommodation, Arbor Scientia then also arranges car service. This is done through the external partner Balboa Travel.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Contact (Telephone number)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft  
Date & time (Pick up date & time)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft  
Travel (Airport of arrival and/or departure, Arrival and/or departure date, Flight number, Hotel, Time of landing and/or departure)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractBalboa Travel, Google, Microsoft

Accommodation (Medical specialist)

Purpose: Arranging an accommodation for a medical specialist.

If we enter into an agreement with you and you need to travel for the performance, Arbor Scientia might assist with the arrangement and booking of the accommodation.

What kind of data do we process?Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for?Recipients 
Age (Date of birth)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Microsoft
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Communication (Correspondence)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle
Contact (Email address, Fax, Telephone number)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Microsoft
Financial (Rate)Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Hotel, Microsoft
Travel (Accommodation preference(s))Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Hotel, Microsoft
Travel (Hotel, Check-in and/or check-out date)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Microsoft

Call recording and summary meeting.

Purpose: Making a recording and summary of a meeting.

Recordings are made of the meetings organized by Arbor Scientia. We always ask for your consent to make these recordings.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Communication (Conversation notes)Consent7 yearsMicrosoft, Ubiqus 
Communication (Conversation recording)Consent7 yearsAV (Audio Visual) Company, Microsoft, Ubiqus, Zoom Video Communications
Corporate (Company name/employer, Position/role)Consent7 yearsAV (Audio Visual) Company, Microsoft, Ubiqus, Zoom Video Communications
Date & time Consent7 yearsAV (Audio Visual) Company, Microsoft, Ubiqus, Zoom Video Communications
Name (Full name)Consent7 yearsAV (Audio Visual) Company, Microsoft, Ubiqus, Zoom Video Communications 

Meals at meetings

Purpose: To provide a meal during a meeting.

When we organize a meeting, we request various personal information regarding your meal preferences. We do this to ensure that we can provide everyone with an appropriate and suitable meal. We never pass this data on an individual level to external parties.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Address (Full address)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft,
Background (Nationality)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Background (Religion)Consent7 yearsMicrosoft
Date & time Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft
Financial (Rate)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Health (Allergies, Dietary and eating requirements)Consent7 yearsMicrosoft 
Identification numbers (NPI number)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft
LocationLegitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft 
SignatureLegitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCvent, Iron Mountain, Microsoft

Compensation of medical specialists

Purpose: The payment of compensation to medical specialists.

You may have incurred additional expenses. In order to pay out your compensation, Arbor Scientia must process the data below. In addition, by law, the various data must be kept for a longer period of time.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCalifornia Bank and Trust, Google, Intuit, Microsoft
Financial (ABA, BIC/SWIFT, IBAN, Transactions)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCalifornia Bank and Trust, Intuit, Google, Microsoft  
LocationContract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCalifornia Bank and Trust, Google, Intuit,  Microsoft   

Reimbursement of medical specialists

Purpose: The payment of reimbursement to medical specialists.

In order to disburse your reimbursement, Arbor Scientia must process the data below.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Address (Full address)Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft
Corporate (Company name/employer)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft
Date & timeContract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft
Financial (Bank, Routing number, Transactions)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCalifornia Bank and Trust, Intuit, Microsoft  
Financial (Account number, Rate)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft  
Identification numbers (License number, NPI number, SSN)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft
LocationContract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft
Name (Full name)Contract fulfillment  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractCalifornia Bank and Trust, Intuit, Microsoft   
Tax information (Company registration number, Tax number)Contract fulfillment7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractIntuit, Microsoft

Meal Costs

Purpose: To track the meal costs incurred for the medical specialists and communicate this to our client.

To create a record of how many people attended, how many meals were served and how much these meals cost, Arbor Scientia processes your data. This is because a record of which persons ate and the value of that transaction must be shared with the FDA.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Corporate (Company name/employer)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft
Date & timeLegitimate interest  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft  
Financial (Method of payment, Rate)Legitimate interest  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft  
LocationLegitimate interest    7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft  
Name (Full name)Legitimate interest    7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractGoogle, Intuit, Microsoft     

Transfer of Value Reporting under the Sunshine Act

Purpose: To track for the client which medical specialists participated in a meeting and how much value these medical specialists received.

Arbor Scientia’s clients are required by the Sunshine Act to keep track of these expenses. At the conclusion of a meeting, Arbor Scientia will complete this for the client, in a form provided by the client.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
Address (Full address)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Financial (Method of payment, Rate, Transactions)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Identification numbers (License number)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
LocationLegitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft
Name (Full name)Legitimate interest  7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft 
Work (Work performed)Legitimate interest7 years For legal recordkeeping purposes, thereafter the data will be kept for the client for the duration of the contractMicrosoft

Other data sharing

Purpose: The sharing of data with third parties in a manner and/or for a purpose not currently foreseen.

This general process applies to the sharing of personal data with third parties for a purpose that is only incidental and/or not foreseen at the time of drafting this privacy statement.

Personal data may be shared with third parties if there is a legal obligation to do so. This could be, for example, if a government agency requests personal data from us based on a legal provision. But we may also share your personal data incidentally with third parties if there is a legitimate interest to do so.

Personal data will only be shared if there is a purpose that is compatible with the purposes for which the personal data were initially collected. Whether there is compatibility will always be strictly assessed.

Is there no compatible purpose? Then we may only share the personal data with third parties for another purpose if you have given your consent.

What kind of data do we process? Upon what grounds do we process this data?How long do we retain this data for? Recipients 
VariousLegitimate interest  


Above we listed the third parties that may potentially process your personal data too.  We call these third parties ‘recipients’. The table below lists all of these recipients.  We have also stated what they do, plus their contact details. In this way you always know where your personal data is being processed.

Occasionally a recipient outside the EU will process your personal data.  Rest assured, caveats are attached. The GDPR mandates us to take specific pre-determined steps in such an instance. Which, of course, we do. Below we have outlined the steps we take.

RecipientExplanationRecipient details 
Microsoft Supplier Office365Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 United States   Outside the E.E.A. Safeguards: Standard Contractual Clauses (United States of America)
Google Supplier GmailGoogle LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
United States
AV (Audio Visual) companyConversation recordingsDepending on the AV company
UbiqusTranscriptionUbiqus Reporting Inc.61 Broadway Suite 1400New York, NY 10006 United States
California Bank and TrustBanking institutionZions Bancorporation N.A.11622 El Camino Real Suite 200San Diego, CA 92130United States
HotelAccommodationsDepending on the hotel
Balboa TravelLogistic partnerBalboa Travel 5414 Oberlin Drive Suite 300San Diego, CA 92121United States
IntuitSupplier QuickBooksInuit Inc.2700 Coast AvenueMountain View, CA 94043United States
Iron MountainArchivingIron Mountian Information Management LLC1 Federal StreetBoston, MA 02110United States  Outside the E.E.A. Safeguards: Standard Contractual Clauses (United States of America)
CventEvent softwareCvent Inc.1765 Greensboro Station Place 7th FloorTysons Corner, VA 22102United States Outside the E.E.A. Safeguards: Standard Contractual Clauses (United States of America)
AdobeDigital signingAdobe Inc.345 Park AvenueSan Jose, CA 95110-2704United States Outside the E.E.A. Safeguards: Standard Contractual Clauses (United States of America)
Zoom Video CommunicationsTeleconference serviceZoom Video Communications Inc. 55 Almaden Blvd Suite 600San Jose, CA 95113United States Outside the E.E.A. Safeguards: Standard Contractual Clauses (United States of America)

Amendments to this Privacy Statement

Arbor Scientia is a dynamic organization. This may impact your personal data. For instance, we may start processing more of your personal data or for different purposes. However, we will always provide advance notice. We do so by making amendments to this Privacy Statement. Would you like to know when this Privacy Statement comes into effect? If you go right to the top of this statement, you’ll see the start date listed.

Your rights

If we process your personal data, you in turn are entitled to certain rights. Would you like to exercise these rights? If so, please get in touch with us, stating the right(s) you wish to exercise. Our contact details are listed at the end of this Privacy Statement.

 Please clearly state your name. This will ensure we don’t mistakenly adjust or delete data for another person. It may be the case that we aren’t able or authorized to carry out your request. This depends on a number of issues, which we will of course always notify you of.

As a rule, we will carry out your request within 1 month. Occasionally, this may unfortunately take longer. In this instance, we will notify you and explain why we need more time.

You are entitled to the following rights:

Right of access

Would you like to know what kind of personal data Arbor Scientia processes about you? If so, you can submit your right to inspect this data. It’s more than likely that we process different categories of your personal data or for several purposes. You may only wish to inspect some of the data that has been processed. Please therefore clearly state exactly what it is you wish to inspect.

Right to rectification

Is your personal data held by Arbor Scientia inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant? If so, you can submit a request to have your data changed or supplemented. You can request rectification if your personal data is inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant to the purpose for which it was collated or if we use your personal data in such a way that you believe contravenes legislation.

Right to erasure

You can ask us to erase your personal data. However, we would like to stress that we most likely won’t be able or authorized to erase all of your personal data. We will, however, always keep you notified in this instance.

Right to data portability

If Arbor Scientia processes your personal data, you can exercise your right to data portability (transmission of personal data), as you have provided your consent to do so or in order to perform a contract entered into with you. Please note: this only applies to data that we process digitally, so it does not apply to hard copies.

Right to restrict processing

In certain circumstances, an organization may no longer use your personal data, but it can’t yet erase the data either. In such an instance, the organization must temporarily cease using your personal data. This is known as the right to restrict processing. You can ask us to limit the processing of your personal data.

Right to object

There are two situations in which you can ask Arbor Scientia to cease using your personal data. This is known as the right to object. Firstly, you can object to the use of your personal data if we use your personal data for direct marketing purposes. Secondly, you can object to the use of your personal data based on your specific individual situation.

Right to revoke consent

Does Arbor Scientia process your personal data based on your consent? If so, you can revoke your consent at any given time. We will no longer process your personal data from that moment on, unless other reasons for processing your personal data prevail.

Technical and organizational provisions

We deem personal data security to be paramount. We take the following steps to safeguard your privacy:

Technical provisions:

  • Anti-malware software
  • Backups (automatic)
  • Backups at another location
  • Logging of usage
  • Multifactor authentication
  • Periodic security updates
  • Encryption database
  • Encryption during transmission

Organizational provisions:

  • Policy regarding acceptable use
  • Business continuity policy
  • Plans for disaster recovery
  • Protocol at end of employment
  • Staff training (upon employment)
  • Password policy

Submitting a complaint

If you wish to submit a complaint about the use of your personal data, please email: We will address any complaint internally and communicate this further with you.

In addition, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent lead supervisory authority at any time.

Contact details

Should you have any questions or wish to know what personal data we hold about you, please get in touch with us. The contact details are listed below.

Arbor Scientia
5962 La Place Court, Suite 290

Carlsbad, CA 92008

United States

E-mail address:

You can also get in touch with our EU representative. The contact details are listed below.


Bredaseweg 185

4872 LA Etten-Leur

The Netherlands

E-mail address:

Your Privacy

Your Data

Arbor Scienta Group (ASG) collects anonymous information about site usage through Google Analytics. ASG does not collect any personal data except for when it is explicitly entered into our contact page. ASG uses the data collected for site improvements, to contact customers, and follow up with questions or inquiries only and is not sold or leased to any third party. Data collected is stored on servers within the United States

If you would like to learn more about our privacy policy or terms of site usage please refer to: